Tuesday, June 18, 2013

An Orange Dream Of A Juice

Of all the fruits associated with juice I would think 'orange juice' would certainly come to mind quickly. Apparently it does not come to my mind very often at all. Duh! That is a left over reaction from my blood sugar sensitivity mentality. Even though I have reversed my diabetes with my plant powered lifestyle I am still careful not to take in sugary items. This is not hard to do because I find so many things way too sweet now, and no longer enjoy them. Fruit is different and the natural sugars are pretty tasty, but I am careful of the spike in blood sugar from OJ. Since fruit is so important to health, I try to rotate the variety of fruit I consume just as I do my vegetables. I don't overload on just one fruit, and I try to keep most of the fruits in the first half of my day. Now I am getting back to juicing oranges on occasion for the flavor, the vitamin C, and other nutrients

As you know there is no comparison with store bought OJ and the home made orange juice. The store bought processed orange juice is not as 'picked fresh' as they claim, and actually sits in vats for a year. Did you know the famous OJ brands are actually owned by the famous soda brands. Oh my... think on that.

Since we are all about freshness and live enzymes let's juice for real! I decided to put a couple of organic oranges in the Breville and see how it handled them. It kinda sprays everywhere, so pull your plastic bag up over the corner edges of the bin where the top cover meets the machine. Since it's not my usual green juice, I drink this sweet juice in a small OJ glass and share with my hubby. If you decide to make homemade orange juice, I found this simple combination tastes quite reminiscent of a good ole childhood favorite called the creamsicle. When this orange dream hits your tongue be sure to swirl it like a fine wine in your mouth! Mmmm it almost feels creamy rich. You will then find the ice cream truck dream has returned... and your taste buds are singing, "heaven...I'm in heaven..."

Orange Dream Juice

4 oranges rind peeled
1/2 lemon rind peeled
1 cup coconut water

Peel your citrus rinds. Leave the white pith on as it is good for you.
Juice your oranges and lemon with your juicer of choice. 
Stir in the coconut water. Share and drink up! It's oh so yummy!
...and you didn't have to run down the street with your quarters.

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