To keep with your plan of eating healthy everyday you have to make salad King...or Queen as we say around the castle. Greens in your smoothies, greens in your juices, a rainbow of fresh raw veggie color and texture in your salads, and on your plate. Salads for lunch, and salads for dinner. The more you become plant based, the closer you will be to reducing or reversing disease within the body. Eat whole foods in their natural state as much as possible. Eliminate sugar, salt, oils, meat, dairy, and you will not give cancer the fertilizer it likes to grow in. It's Just that simple. The body will take care of the work.
I haven't posted much on making salads, because I assume you know how to do this with what fresh produce you have on hand. Having said that, perhaps a few salad reminders to help you start off the year might be helpful. So I will post a different salad each week as a friendly reminder. All salads are not the same people! So many choices of fruits and veggies! Get some fresh produce and eat something good for you. Try something new. You can be simple or you can be fancy. Oh and remember to chew your salads really well to break down the fibers and release those enzymes. Mmm reminds me of the juice I made yesterday. Light and fresh. Cucumbers, celery, dandelion, lemon, ginger, and green apple. You see those liquid salads are so good too! Have both!
Now to top off your salad avoid oil based dressings, and perhaps try some flavored vinegars instead. The Life-Regenerator recommends that you blend some oranges and sweet red peppers together as a base liquid to start your dressing of choice. Sounds yummy to me! After I wrote this post, I went looking for a video from 'Dan The Man - The Life Regenerator,' and found the perfect one below! Check out his blender-full of fresh dressing!
Today's Sprouty Salad
Mixed baby greens
Alfalfa sprouts
Sunflower seeds
We will be using Dr. Fuhrman's Salad Dressing
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